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Willkommen auf deiner Reise!

Entfalte dein Inneres Potential und lerne Selbstfürsorge und Selbstliebe

durch Selbstreflexion und Selbstkenntnis! Für eine erfüllte Verbindung zu sich selbst und anderen.


  • Hast du Probleme mit dem Selbstwert?​ 



  • Fühlst du dich, als braucht es eine Veränderung, bist dir aber einfach nicht sicher, in welchem Lebensbereich?​

  • Hast du Sehnsüchte, die dich quälen?​

  • Verhindern Kindheitserinnerungen, dass du dich entfaltest?​

  • Hast du Probleme deinem Partner oder anderen Menschen zu vertrauen?​

  • Stehst du immer wieder vor ähnlichen Herausforderungen und hast das Gefühl, dass du deinen Teil dazu beiträgst?​

  • Bist du schnell eifersüchtig und dich quält der Gedanke, dein Partner könne Jemand vermeintlich besseren finden, als dich?​

  • Hast du Glaubenssätze, die nicht zu dir gehören?​

  • Hast du ständig das Gefühl, dass dir irgendetwas fehlt?


  • Ihr diskutiert oder streitet oft oder sogar ständig (Paare/Eltern und Kinder)


  • Du fragst dich, warum ein Nein zu deinem Kind von dir offenbar Ja zu bedeuten scheint?

  • Ist eure Familiendynamik anstrengend für alle Beteiligten?

  • Du bist überfordert mit dem Alltagsstress und weisst nicht, wo dir der Kopf steht?

  • Ihr wisst, wie ihr als Eltern funktioniert, aber als Paar fällt es euch schwer, wieder zueinander zu finden?​


  • Dein Kind erlebt Mobbing in der Schule?

Breaking old patterns: How coaching helps establish new habits and perspectives Breaking old patterns can be challenging, especially when they are deeply rooted in our behavior and thinking. These patterns often develop over years and unconsciously influence our decisions and actions. Coaching can play a crucial role in changing these old habits and developing new, more satisfying perspectives. Coaching offers a structured and supportive framework that makes it possible to recognize old patterns and change them in a targeted manner. A coach helps to uncover the unconscious dynamics and beliefs that prevent us from taking new paths. Through targeted questions and reflection techniques, these deeply rooted structures are made visible. Step-by-step process in coaching Awareness and analysis: The first step in coaching is to become aware of the old patterns. This is done through self-reflection and the coach's feedback. Often it is these unconscious patterns that keep us stuck in old habits. Objectives: As soon as the old patterns are recognized, clear and realistic goals are defined. These goals serve as orientation and motivation for the change process. Development of new perspectives: The coach supports the development of new ways of thinking and behaving. This can be done through various methods such as cognitive restructuring, visualization exercises or learning new skills. Implementation of new habits: The next step is to gradually integrate the new habits into everyday life. The coach helps to create a concrete plan and supports its implementation. Continuous feedback and adjustment: Regular sessions with the coach offer the opportunity to reflect on progress and adjust the plan if necessary. This continuous support ensures that the new habits are consolidated and maintained. Strengthening self-efficacy: Successes in the coaching process strengthen confidence in one's own abilities. This promotes self-efficacy and motivates you to continue working on your personal development. Long-term benefits of coaching Coaching not only addresses the immediate problem, but also develops the ability to handle future challenges more confidently and effectively. The new perspectives and habits lead to an improved quality of life and increased well-being.

Klarheitsfindung und Orientierung: Warum externe Hilfe oft notwendig ist Manchmal ist es schwierig, Klarheit und Orientierung in unserem Leben zu finden, besonders wenn wir uns in festgefahrenen, unbewussten Strukturen und Dynamiken befinden. Diese Muster können sich über Jahre hinweg entwickeln und tief in unserem Unterbewusstsein verankert sein. Sie beeinflussen unsere Entscheidungen, unser Verhalten und unsere Sichtweise auf die Welt, oft ohne dass wir uns dessen bewusst sind. Diese festgefahrenen Muster sind schwer allein zu durchbrechen. Wir neigen dazu, in unseren gewohnten Denk- und Verhaltensweisen zu verharren, was den Blick auf neue Perspektiven und Lösungen einschränkt. Hier kann die Hilfe von außen entscheidend sein. Externe Berater, Therapeuten oder Coaches bringen eine neutrale Perspektive und professionelle Expertise mit, die uns helfen kann, unsere blinden Flecken zu erkennen und neue Wege zu entdecken. Ein externer Blick kann uns dabei unterstützen, tief verwurzelte Glaubenssätze und Verhaltensmuster zu identifizieren und zu hinterfragen. Durch gezielte Fragen, Reflexion und verschiedene Methoden können wir diese Strukturen aufbrechen und Platz für neue, positive Entwicklungen schaffen. Professionelle Unterstützung bietet zudem einen sicheren Raum, um über unsere Herausforderungen zu sprechen und Strategien zu entwickeln, die auf unsere individuellen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind.

You can count on support! 24/7, if there is a fire, you can contact me and we will put out your fire together! Of course, my program includes a few fixed sessions, but you can choose when your appointment takes place and you are not dependent on a fixed program where you have to stick to the times.

Change step by step: your coaching support program Change is a profound process that doesn't happen overnight. In order to establish new habits in the long term and to develop yourself further, it is crucial to reconcile yourself with the past bit by bit. In my coaching support program, we work together on the individual stages to offer you a realistic chance of positive change.

Motivation is an important part of life and the successes that come with it. But how do I motivate myself when I don't trust myself at all or maybe don't even like myself that much at the moment? You will go down this path with me and get through it. We will take you to where you see yourself. Step by step, we will work with methods and exercises to help you see yourself, recognize yourself and become aware of yourself again. As children, we are very aware of ourselves, but this diminishes as soon as our evaluations, which arise from our imprints, become part of our routine everyday life.


When does it make sense to book my accompanying program?

  1. Breaking old patterns:

    • If you feel like you are stuck in negative ways of thinking and behaving and cannot change them on your own.

    • My program helps you to recognize these old patterns and replace them with new, appropriate strategies.

  2. Clarity and orientation:

    • If you have difficulty defining your personal values and ideal lifestyle.

    • Together we will find out what is really important to you and how you can live accordingly.

  3. Change and implementation:

    • If you want to make changes in your professional or personal life and don’t know how to go about it.

    • I will accompany you step by step to visualize and implement these changes.

  4. Strengthen motivation and self-confidence:

    • When you doubt yourself and need support to stay motivated.

    • Through individual sessions and techniques we strengthen your self-confidence and determination.

  5. Continuous support and feedback:

    • When you need someone to provide you with ongoing support and feedback.

    • My program offers you 1:1 sessions that capture and stabilize your progress so that you can achieve your goals sustainably.

*These are reviews that I received from my clients following our work together, so they are partly anonymized*

Ich habe bei Jessie gelernt, dass ich auch in meiner Beziehung selbstbestimmt leben darf, was dazu geführt hat, wider meines Erwarten, dass sich die Bindung zu meiner Partnerin nur mehr gefestigt hat und ich jetzt auch auf ihre Bedürfnisse eingehen kann, weil meine Befriedigt werden. Danke nochmal für diese 3 Monate mit dir!

In every fate lies an insight that gives us the strength to make a difference in something. We just have to face ourselves consciously

DALL·E 2024-06-23 16.39.11 - An inspiring and motivational image for the hero section of a

Sei endlich die glücklichste Version von dir selbst und versöhne dich mit deiner Vergangenheit, um sie gehen zu lassen .


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I am Jessica Pradel, an experienced coach and mentor with a passion for helping people reach their full potential.

I left home very early because the dynamic at home wasn't right and I had to take a very bumpy path to reach my goals (from my perspective at the time, this was almost unthinkable)

And yet I found my way with courage. I studied sociology and psychology in Munich, moved with my husband to Cologne, where I still live with my husband and daughter. I also completed several coaching courses in: systemic coaching, couple and individual coaching and child, youth and family coaching (in Munich) and then moved to Cologne for love, where I still live with my husband and daughter today.

My philosophy

I believe that everyone has the right and ability to live a fulfilling life. My approach is individual and holistic, based on your values and goals. Together we will:

  • Recognize and let go of old patterns

  • Developing new paths and strategies

  • Find and live your ideal lifestyle

  • Achieve professional and personal goals

Why me?

With my enormous empathy, my desire to make a difference and the knowledge that we can all make realistic and fulfilling changes in our lives

I offer you a protected framework and a safe space, am available in acute situations and provide you with close support.

My methods are practice-oriented and designed to bring about lasting change. That's why I offer you the opportunity to apply for my support program and we'll have a free initial consultation to see if we're a good fit.

Let's start!

Get in touch via this link

I look forward to accompanying you on your path to a more fulfilling life.

Best regards,

Jessica Pradel

Family coaching is useful when you are constantly in conflict with one another and, despite previous attempts to ease the situation at home for everyone, you cannot see any success or relaxation. On the contrary, often attempts make everything better for a short time and then even worse than before. This is mainly because everyone involved naturally has an emotional view of the situation rather than a purely rational one. Help in the form of coaching support is definitely a good way to get closer again and understand the needs of others. I offer a free first appointment on the phone for this.

Use coaching as a tool for professional and private reorientation, in a direction that not only makes sense, but also makes you happy.

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